Brellium audits are performed by running a set of questions on a document. The Question Studio is where you can view, create, and edit your questions and questions sets. Below we will walk you through that process.

First, create the questions you want to run in the audit. Second, create the question set. Third, add those questions to the question set. That’s it!

How to create a Question

  1. Click “Create New Question” in the top left of the page

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  2. This is where you specify the details of your Question. The following fields are:

    1. (Required) Specify the question, this is what will be asked on the document
    2. (Optional) Add tags to your question for question categorization
    3. (Optional) Add remediation notes to your question for provider feedback
    4. (Optional) Specify the document type the question is written form (questions should be created with a document format in mind, the default is ‘default’)
    5. (Optional) Choose the severity of the question (options are ‘Normal’, ‘High’, and ‘Critical’. ‘Critical’ will trigger a notification on question failure)

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  3. When you are finished, click “Add Question”. This will add the question to the question list. You can search for it in the toolbar.

  4. Brellium offers sample questions (with the tag “Sample”) to get a feel of what questions are possible (these will be below the questions you make). Feel free to use these as you get comfortable with the platform and as inspiration for your own questions. We strongly recommend creating your own questions that suite the document type you plan on auditing.

How to create a Question Set

  1. In the top right of the screen you will see “Selected Set:”, a selectable menu, and two buttons. The menu is where you will see all your question sets (this should start only with ‘None’. This is the same list you will see in the “Upload Note” section of the site).

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  2. Click the “➕” button on the far right to create a new question set. Enter the name of your set, then click “Add Question Set

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  3. You will now see the set available from the set menu. Select it. The “edit” button left of the “➕” button should now be selectable. This is how you can rename your question set.

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  4. Your set will start off empty (which can also be seen in the “Upload Note” page).

How to add Questions to a Question Set

  1. When you’ve selected your question set, you’ll notice a “➕” button become clickable in the rightmost column of the table. Clicking this will add that question to the question set.

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  2. When you add a question, the question will move to the top of the list and the “➕” will turn into a “✔”, indicating the question has been added to the selected set. All question in a selected set will be at the top of the list. To remove a question from a set, click the “✔” again. This will move the question away from the top of the list, and the button will go back to a “➕”.

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  3. Once you’ve added all the questions you want to the set, it is ready to be run in an audit!

The sets made in the Question Studio are available in the “Upload Note” page. Here, selecting a set will display the questions in it. Uploading a note with the set selected will run those questions in the audit.

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